Jorge Zhang

Shadow Era Custom Card Generator

January 15, 2023 by Jorge Zhang

INSTRUCTIONS: In order, input the following:
  1. Class Icon: Select Class.
  2. Character Name: Enter some text.
  3. Health: Value between 0 and 99.
  4. Faction, class, and tribe: Text.
  5. Ability: Enter text. TIP: Use the keywords 3SE:, 4SE:, and 5SE:. It will automatically turn into shadow energy cost notation.
  6. Flavor Text: Enter text.
  7. Image: Enter a URL to an image, then click "INSERT IMAGE." Example:
  8. Cost [ALLY ONLY]:Value between 0 and 99.
  9. Attack [ALLY ONLY]:Value between 0 and 99.

Name Position: Text Vertical Position: Flavor Text Vertical Position: Health Position:

For Allies:

triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle
Character Name
Human Hero - Warrior
 Target opposing ally with cost 4 or less is killed.
 Target opposing ally with cost 4 or less is killed.
Flavor Text.
Flavor Text.