Jorge Zhang

Bizarre World

December 30, 2021 by Jorge Zhang

Before you do anything else, read the rulebook!

Bizarre World is the world's first "PNPWYANAPBAGDCG" - Print and Play Where You Are Not A Player But A Game Designer Card Game (I made that term up. Trademark pending). What that means is that you don't collect cards like in Collectible Card Games (CCGs), but make them yourself using this website and then print them out! So, what prevents you from creating a card with the text, "I win the game"? The answer is the point system. The more powerful an effect, the more points it costs to print it on a card. Therefore, if you put a strong effect on your card then you either have to increase the cost of that card to play, or give it crappy effects to cancel it out. This graphic goes into the point system in more detail.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARD CRAFTING: Use the drop-down menus to select the following:
  1. Cost: This represents how many resources it costs to play that card. By choosing a higher cost, you will earn an equal amount of points that you can spend on selecting more powerful attributes in the other drop-down menus. Note that in order to prevent degenerate strategies, a card costing 0 is an exception to this rule and gives -1 points instead.
  2. Adjective: This adjective influences the card's passive ability. It also influences the card's flavor text. The stronger the ability, the more it costs to select.
  3. Noun: This noun represents your creature. This affects your creature's action.
  4. "Of _____": This also helps describe your creature. This affects the cost to perform your creature's action, and also affects what type of resource it produces when it is treated as a resource.
After you are done, click the button. Screenshot that card, then once you have enough cards print them in a 9-card layout.

(1) (1) (-1) (0)
TOTAL POINTS (must be >=0): 1

triangle triangle triangle
Super Long Creature Name

For advanced Print and Play enthusiasts, here is a card back: Download Card Back. I would recommend using an 8 card layout for the best alignment.

The following generator generates 4 cards at once in a configuration that is ready to print! It comes with card backs. Fold along the dividing line in order to make cards.

triangle2 triangle2 triangle2
Super Long Creature Name
triangle2 triangle2 triangle2
Super Long Creature Name
triangle2 triangle2 triangle2
Super Long Creature Name
triangle2 triangle2 triangle2
Super Long Creature Name

triangle2 triangle2 triangle2 triangle2

Additional ways to play Bizarre World:
  1. Drafting: Both players print 2X cards and then draft X cards to make their decks. (Suggested: X=20)
  2. Drafting 2: Print X cards, then both players take a stack of .5*X cards. Each player takes 1 card from their stack, then passes it to their opponent, until both have a stack of .5X cards. (Suggested: X=40)
  3. Same Random Decks: When printing a set of random cards, print 2 copies instead of 1 in order to make 2 decks.

If you have not already, read the rulebook!

Change history:

1/1/2022: Eraser buffed to have 2 attack (from 0). I found that Eraser was by awful in almost every instance because it was pretty expensive, and I greatly over-valued the ability to discard a card from both players hands. Tree buffed from point -3 to point -2. Even though the tree generates a very nice amount of resources every turn, I found that the higher cost trees came into play too late, and low cost trees generally had downsides that made them terrible. That's all for now, but on the watch list are: Biodegradable (not very good relative to points), Lollipop (too expensive?), and Gift (Very aggressive and possibly too strong). Also edited the rulebook to include a rule that the player who goes first cannot attack (this was always the case, I just forgot to put it in at first).
12/31/2021: Rejig to Loneliness from a cost that only lets you activate when "you only control one creature" to a cost that makes you "sacrifice all of your other creatures." The point value went from 1 to 2. This was because before, it kinda felt bad to not be able to use it unless you control 1 creature. Not only was the effect really not worth it, but worse, it was not fun because swarming the field is a lot more fun. Anyway, "of Sacrifice" is similar and also 2 points, but this has some neat combos. For example, you can use it while you control no other creatures. Therefore, even though "Of Sacrifice" only needs 1 sacrifice, Loneliness is a lot more flexible.
12/31/2021: Added a way to print 4 cards at once.
12/30/2021: First published this page. It contains "Purple Madness," the first set of cards, which currently has 10 options for each layer for a total of 1000 unique cards.
© 2020 Jorge Zhang